HAVING read the article entitled ‘No £2.5M Cash Boost after Covanta Plan Is Thrown Out,’ in the Guardian, August 1, I have to admit to being left feeling very disappointed and more than a little incensed by what I read. The whole thread of the article was, to my mind, ill judged and out of context with what the Covanta planning application was about.

To elucidate on that point, let me ask one very simple question, was the planning application about building an incinerator in Middlewich, or was it about providing a financial contribution towards the eastern by-pass?

The planning application was balanced against, determined on and subsequently refused on legitimate planning grounds. Any consideration of potential financial benefits outside of such grounds have to be considered a non entity, until such applications as they are likely to become attached to are passed. The suggestion that the town will now suffer financially as a result of the upholding of a legitimate refusal to allow the incinerator to be built could, therefore, arguably be seen as unwarranted and in poor taste.

While I quite agree that Middlewich should undoubtedly have its bypass built and will benefit greatly from the opening up of much needed employment land, this should not have to come as a result of unwarranted and unnecessary planning applications.

What concerned me most, however, was how the article might be received by those many members of the community who had worked so hard and so tirelessly to help rid Middlewich of possibly the greatest threat it had ever faced. Thousands of concerned local residents sent letters of objection against the plans to Cheshire East Council, thousands more signed the petition and the many, many volunteers who actively gave their own time to help research and build the all conclusive winning evidence deserve better than to have their efforts judged against financial compromise. On Friday July 20, a landmark victory was won for, by and on behalf of the people of Middlewich, won in a fair way and under fair rules. It will be a sad day if we allow the merits of such an occasion to become sullied.

CLR MIKE PARSONS Waterside Way, Middlewich