FOLLOWING the article in the Winsford and Middlewich Guardian, September 9, regarding unanswered questions relating to the application for an incinerator at Mid-Point 18, Pendragon PR were unable to refresh my memory.

They said I would have to speak to their MD, but could not tell me when the MD could talk to me. Eventually Mark Ashby (Covanta) contacted me, and I should like to advise residents of the main points regarding the Eastern bypass etc.

He stated that ‘Covanta would not be paying to complete the bypass’, and most of the 300 vehicles a day would bring waste in via the A54 and that Tesco had been allowed to access to the M6 via Sproston.

Mr Ashby said people might have to change their supplier to receive the electric discount. He realised concerns, but could not see that construction would affect house prices when the EfW plant was passed.

He did not know where the waste would come from but repeated it was a preferred site by East Cheshire. No residual waste would go next door to landfill from the site. Waste would leave in three forms, recovered metals after burning; bottom ash, and sealed bags of fly ash from the dust catchers, and this might go down the rock salt mine at Winsford.

Mr Ashby stated the chimney would be high to take away gases and emissions and the smell and steam escapes should not affect anyone.

If I wanted to burn ‘mixed stuff’ in my yard, the Environmental Health would want to know its content.

The waste would be mixed for burning by the crane person, this person spotting any illegal items.

I would ask residents to contact Covanta with any questions they may have.

Residents should consider ‘what the benefits of construction’ on a personal basis are and contact the East Cheshire Council with their opinions for or against the construction being so close to Middlewich.

Pendragon for Covanta can be contacted on 0800 169 5290, while East Cheshire Council is on 01270 763231.