THE team for the county quiz was announced and an account of the visit to see the Centenary baton at Appleton Village Hall was given.

Other group news was shared and a keen interest in the proposed visit to Buckingham Palace was shown.

One member has been working on a leaflet containing lots of useful information about WI.

The monthly film club at Whitley, the very popular luncheon club and Preston Brook history society meetings were also promoted.

Speaker Liz Webb from Barnton Pentecostal Church spoke about their mission work in Romania and India and explained that money raised by the sale of shoes in their charity shop, paid for shoes for children in India, so that they could attend school.

Educated children are far more likely to be able to get a job to help support their families.

Judy Popley will speak about Wentworth House at the next meeting on March 11, at 7.30pm in Preston Brook Village Hall.

Meetings are on the second Tuesday of each month and new members are always welcome.

S Hardy