THE theme was The Weather and Use of Voice.

Owen Wallwork was first with It’s Stopped Raining. Eddie Fuller complemented him on good clear powerful voice with a good story line.

Doug Pass was second with The British Weather. Fred Jones praised his confident presentation with good eye contact.

John Sanson’s speech was It’s a Fine Day. Patricia Linton praised John’s innovative theme of songs.

Frank Samuel’s 90 Minutes of Ecstasy invited the townies to join him to listen to the dawn chorus and watch the sunrise on top of the Overton Hill, Frodsham. John Hill’s evaluation highlighted Frank’s use of his voice.

Trophy winners: Best speech - Frank Samuel; Best evaluation - Patricia Linton; Best topic - Richard Omyele.

Next meeting Thursday, March 13 at 7pm for 7.30pm, Village Hotel. Warrington. Contact Fred Jones 01606 882696.

Frederick Jones