SPEAKER Brian Hallworth fascinated members as he revealed the reason why his session was called Every time I pass a church.

Brian, a skilled photographer, moved from taking wildlife photographs to churches, ‘because churches didn’t move so much’ he joked.

His presentation showed the intriguing features of many of them and he explained the history and purposes behind these.

The session underlined, too, how even unprepossessing exteriors can hide remarkable interiors.

At the next meeting on March 5, Jean Williams will reveal the life and times of Little Moreton Hall, the remarkable and famous Cheshire jewel.

The meetings take place in Warmingham Village Hall, CW11 3QN at 7.30 pm on the first Wednesday of each month. For further details see www.warmingham.org.uk or 01606 737037 or email MMAHannon@aol.com.

Maggie Hannon