LABOUR councillor Sam Nayler sticks to the tried and tested line of the Labour Party when it comes to the NHS - when Labour’s in power the NHS is fine, when they’re not it’s a disaster.

The NHS has become Labour’s political crutch.

Watch how in every election they throw mud at other parties for the problems they created when in power, such as the hundreds, if not thousands of people who died of hospital acquired diseases.

In Wales Labour runs the NHS and even neutrals admit it’s a shambles with many desperate patients coming to England to find treatment.

Under the last Labour government seven million immigrants came to the UK, all requiring houses and access to public services like the NHS.

Labour also decided to give billions away in Foreign Aid (continued by the Tories and Liberal Democrats).

Maybe Sam would like to explain why Labour privatised some of the NHS, by letting city fat cats and bankers build and run hospitals and schools using PFI (private finance initiative) deals.

It’s reckoned each of us is on the hook for £3,500 to fund Labour’s lovefest with the bankers.

It also means many hospital trusts have to spend around 10 per cent of their budgets paying off Labour’s PFI debt - thanks Labour.

John Bickley Immigration spokesman UK Independence Party